Pleasanton Report
From the Field
The Door Christian Fellowship
December 2014

Adam Mora –
Greetings from Pleasanton Tx. We first and foremost want to give God the glory for all he has done and is going to do.
We took over the church from Chris and Lauren Kelley in mid October and God has been doing wonderful things as we continue to work with fruit from their labor. Immediately following we had an invasion team from our mother church on the Southeast side of San Antonio and we were able to invade the city of Pleasanton with the gospel of Jesus Christ with one on one witnessing. We also had a concert on a busy corner where we continued to preach the gospel and give testimony to the powerful hand of God to deliver. We got the attention of all those passing by and from this outreach we had a precious family gain confirmation of their need for Jesus and to link their hearts with his people.
On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving we had Pastor Richard Romero from Mesa, Arizona preach for us and we had a powerful time as we had 20 visitors with three giving their life to Jesus.
Our outreaches have been fruitful, our services are filled with the presence of God and there is an expectancy and excitement in the land as we look forward to seeing God’s testimony move powerfully in this area.
Continue praying for us here in Pleasanton as we continue praying for you!
What’s Going On?
Need unspoken prayer